Wedding events

Unique premises, fantastic cuisine, helpful and friendly staff. We are ready for even the most demanding requirements.


The manager will invite you for coffee and show you everything we can offer. Contact her, thank you.

Phone number: +421 36 6316793

Koliba park

Outdoor wedding spaces - exterior with comfortable interior elements

Maxima Wine House

Unique interior spaces - interior providing maximum comfort

Wedding ritual

Choose a place for your wedding ceremony, we will prepare the decoration, seating, sound system… To make the place where you say your "yes" be wonderful.


We will be happy to help you compile the best dishes only from fresh ingredients together with professional chefs.


Enjoy the preparation and planning of a wedding without stress, with our experience we will be able to advise you in everything.


We will prepare beautiful spaces for a civil ceremony, in which you will say "yes" without hesitation.


Appropriate wedding decorations will make the festive moment wonderful. We have it.


The advantage is the possibility to stay in the pension Rekrea in close proximity to the wedding premises.

Weddings in 2020

Wedding events


We had a wedding in the Wine House, with a ceremony outside, maximum satisfaction with everything - beautiful decoration, food very tasty, the staff was very welcoming, Mrs. Adamoova is the right person in the right place, welcoming, nice, great communication, she took care of us from start to finish, everything tip top even though she had two weddings on the same day?thanks ❤️ recommended ??


Beautiful wine house, where we had a great wedding, which everything took care of from the decoration to the food I highly recommend


When we before a few months before the wedding canceled place in BA. you saved us with a free term and it was the best thing that could have happened to us ? An incredibly beautiful place that I don't think there is any competition in the area. From the site itself through the high-level services to the amazing manager, who met and arranged everything she could


We had a wedding in the resort at the very top of the restaurant, "Koliba park resort" and I didn't see anything more beautiful in the wider area. Wonderful place, amazing food, beautiful decoration, evening lighting-TOP. Mrs manager absolutely nice, helpful and we left everything to her, we fully trusted her and everything was as it should be. Staff still nice and helpful until early in the morning. 5 ☆ are deserved. Thank you for your cooperation and a wonderful wedding experience thanks to the lawyer and the entire staff. I highly recommend it to everyone.


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